Financial Accountability

The Financial Accountability Report includes actual data for the immediately preceding two school years, and budgeted data for the current school year. Per, K.S.A. 72-5171, each report contains the following information for the unified school district (with or without charts): Full Time Equivalency (FTE) Enrollment; Sources of Revenue for General and Supplemental General Fund, Capital Outlay Fund, Bond & Interest Fund, and All Other Funds and Total of All Funds; State Foundation Aid by Weightings; Total Expenditures for Selected Funds; Supplemental General Fund Transfers; Article 6, Section 6 Constitutional Challenge Expenditures; General Obligation Bonded Indebtedness; Student Demographic Headcount.

The Form 150 is a budget form used to compute the estimated Legal Maximum General Fund Budget for the unified school district.

Per K.S.A. 72-1167, the Budget Summary includes the following charts using budgeted data for the current school year and actual data for the immediately preceding two school years: Total Expenditures by Function, General & Supplemental General Fund Expenditures by Function, Instruction Expenditures, FTE Enrollment for Budget Authority, Mill Rates by Fund, Average Salary, Total USD Mill Rate and Amount per Pupil by Function (All Funds). Expenditures by Function include: Instruction, Student Support Services, Instructional Support Services; Administration & Support, Operations & Maintenance, Transportation, Food Services, Capital Improvements, Debt Services and Other Costs.

All files are in PDF format.

Report Summary

NOTE: The Expenditures Per Pupil Report is not available for this school year.

Financial Accountability Reports


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